The Painting Department aims at training students on producing distinct artworks by using the traditional inputs and materials in fine arts and offering a number of theoretical courses on types of perspective and color techniques such as oils, pastels and watercolors.
The Painting Programme also aims at producing competent graduates who are able to have distinguished individual art styles and have the ability to add an aesthetics touch to their art works and to keep pace with local and international art movements over the ages.
The programme holds several workshops and exhibitions for Palestinian and international artists to enrich students’ experiences and artistic taste.


The painting programme aims at producing competent graduates who are able to develop the painting field in Palestine by adopting modern techniques to enrich the Palestinian fine art movement and promote it to a higher level. The programme also aims at supplying fine arts in Palestine with global expertise and with the latest equipment.


The programme offers a number of theoretical courses that deal with art’s historical, intellectual and autistic sides to produce competent graduates in visual arts and art criticism.
The programme also offers training courses on painting and ceramic sculpture and holds several workshops and exhibitions for Palestinian and international artists to enrich students’ experiences and artistic taste.


Enrolled students should:

  1. Be loyal to their university
  2. Have a cultural background on fundamentals of fine arts and aesthetics theories
  3. Have the basic technical skills in painting
  4. Have distinguished individual art styles
  5. Be able to use appropriate terminology in the field of applied arts
  6. Understand basic principles of art movements over the ages
  7. Be aware of the fine arts’ role in community development
  8. Be able to spread awareness through creative-optical sights
  9. Have the ability to add an aesthetics touch to the optical sights in the community
  10. Adopt modern technology in fine arts
  11. Have the ability to communicate with institutions of visual arts in the Arab World and other parts of the world

Why Study Painting?

  • To provide talented students and artists with opportunities to enrich their experiences and artistic taste in fine arts and allow them to participate in the international forums to express themselves since they influence public opinion through their art.
  • To supply the community with specialized and qualified expertise, who are able to teach fine arts in educational institutions.
  • To produce competent graduates who are able to add an aesthetics touch to the optical sights in the community.
  • To enrich the community artistic taste through holding several workshops and exhibitions for Palestinian and international artists as well as producing school and cultural publications that are full of academic and scientific drawings.
  • To contribute to the strengthening of public appreciation of the Palestinian heritage and popular handicrafts.
  • To promote the idea of recycling waste, wood and junk to produce beautiful artworks.
  • To encourage talented graduates to participate in projects of creative vision.